Thursday, July 7, 2016

New/Current officers of Redland Community Center

Officers, 2017-18
Dewayne Walker, President
Gene Barron, Vice-President
Teana Robinson, Secretary-Treasurer

Other board members
Don Gage
Ginger Shorter 
R. L. Vaughn

Redland in the news

Grand designs for Redland's Church in Laneville -- "We thought we could get it up and running."

East Texans need help restoring Laneville church from 1800s -- "They need volunteers and donations to see the project through."

Thursday, June 30, 2016

When was the building built?

The following excerpts from A History of Smyrna Baptist Church 1873--2008: 135 years in three southern Rusk County communities (J. W. Griffith, R. L. Vaughn, Waymark Publications, 2009, pages 33--34), the Smyrna Church folks moved from the Chinquapin community to Redland sometimes between 1892 and 1901. Another possibility might be that be that the Baptists built the building at Redland and then the Methodists bought equity in it. But it seems unlikely based on other presently supposed facts. Hopefully other records will turn up to clarify it.
"It is not known from the records when Smyrna Church moved from Chinquapin Springs, but it must have been between June, 1892, and November, 1901. In 1892 a special act of the church was necessary to allow the Methodists the use of the church house on Wednesday night preceding the fourth Sunday in July. Upon removal to Redland, about two miles east of Laneville, the Baptists and Methodists shared the church building, as indicated by an act of conference on November 30, 1901 instructing the deacons to confer with "proper officers of the Methodist church and have a flu built for the stove."
 "On October 19, 1907, a committee was appointed to confer with the Methodist brethren 'of Redland Church to see what they were willing to pay to the Babtis (sic) for their part of church house at said place.' The committee was to ask for $100."
"On March 14,1908, the committee made its report and the church discharged it. Unfortunately the substance of the committee's report is unrecorded."

Friday, June 24, 2016

June board meeting

June board meeting was last evening, Thursday June 23rd. Among other business, board member David Guy resigned and Dewayne Walker was elected in his place.

Our next meeting will be held Thursday July 28, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. at the Redland Community Center.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Monthly board meetings

Monthly board meetings have been set for the fourth Thursday of each month -- to be held at the Redland Community Center at 5:30 p.m.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Board meeting

Next board meeting is Thursday, May12, at Redland.